Quality Assurance & Quality Control

Binconet Marine Solutions is ISO 9001:2008 certified by Det Norske Veritas under Quality System Certificate No: Q297912 .

We are committed to ensure the highest standards in design, engineering, project management, procurement, integration, installation, commissioning and after-sales services.




We are committed to the effective management of Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) matters as an integral part of our business. Our goal is that our operations that should cause no harm to employees or other people while minimizing damage to the local and global environment. We are committed to:

Make Health, Safety & Environment considerations a value in our planning and execution of business activities.

Meet or exceed compliance with all applicable legal and other requirements.

Provide adequate information, training and supervision to employees, including those of subcontractors and vendors to avoid health and safety hazards, and to prevent environmental pollution.

Measure, monitor & review Health, Safety and Environment performance.

Demonstrate continual improvement by setting objectives/targets, introducing operation controls and programs.

Communicate to employees, including those of subcontractors and vendors. Our Health, Safety and Environment policy and make this policy available to interested parties upon request